WOVI Proudly Announces the Launch of Our First Virtual Chapter!

Women of Visionary Influence, Inc., empowering women to lead and mentor for almost 20 years, cordially invites you to participate in our first Virtual Chapter.

These challenging times have provided an exceptional opportunity for women around the world to supplement WOVI’s empowering in-person meetings with a new completely online Chapter, with all the presentations, mentoring and experiences enjoyed in every WOVI Chapter.

Join WOVI VC Prime on Zoom
for our Launch Meeting
Tuesday, September 22, 7-9 pm CDT

You have the unique opportunity to become a dues-paying charter member of WOVI VC Prime, helping to set a course for women around the world to experience mentoring, leadership and education in an environment of advocacy and encouragement — online!


to receive the Zoom meeting invitation
and an exclusive MentoRing© exercise worksheet.